Thursday, January 22, 2009


Pass the Funk.
I found this kid via Vimeo. His name is Michael Kontopoulos, he is an artist and designer completing his MFA at the Department of Design | Media Arts, UCLA. He does some really dope visual art and concept art pieces. I have become a fan of his work and his outside the box approach to art. PASS THE FUNK is an old piece he did back in 2005, but I like it..get familiar. More vids from Kontopoulos HERE!! This is what he has say about the piece:

This work -- an older piece-- was designed within the Japanese concept of the karakuri. A karakuri is traditionally a puppet or automata, designed to trick or tease an audience. Their surprising nature is meant to imply a degree of mystery and even magic. In Pass the Funk, my collaborator and I, inhabiting each one television, pass unseen energy back and forth using the medium of dance (or funk, if you please), switching simple, incandescent light bulbs on and off at each loop. Our goal is to make the audience think they can predict the outcomes of our movement, only to spring various tricks on them in an evolving loop of events that occur within, between and beyond the screens.

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